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General News of Tuesday, 5 September 2023


Kidnappers, officer killed in gunfight with police in Enugu

The police command in Enugu says it foiled a kidnap and killed two kidnap suspects at the Ogbeke-Nike axis of Ugwogo-Nike-OpirNsukka Road.

The command said it recovered one AK-47 rifle with two magazines, 82 rounds and 16 rounds of 5.56mm and 7.62mm calibres of live ammunition, respectively.

Others recovered from the suspects were one cutlass, two mobile phones and other incriminating exhibits from the hoodlums.

This is contained in a statement issued by the command’s spokesman, DSP Daniel Ndukwe, on Monday.

“Police operatives of Enugu state command, in the evening hours of September 3, foiled an attempt to kidnap some road users at Ogbeke-Nike, along Ugwogo-Nike/Opi-Nsukka road. The hoodlums had blocked the road and shot sporadically before the operatives, some of whom were on VIP escort duty, gallantly responded,” said the statement.

It added, “Two of the miscreants were neutralised on the spot, while many others escaped into the forest with gunshot wounds.”

The command, however, disclosed that one of the police operatives who sustained a gunshot wound in the ensuing gun duel was taken to the hospital and later confirmed dead by doctors.

The police said the remains of the gallant officer had been deposited in the mortuary.

“The commissioner of police, CP Kanayo Uzuegbu, while mourning the unfortunate loss of the operative, whom he described as gallant even in death, has commended the entire police personnel. The commissioner also thanked the Neighbourhood Watch Group and Forest Guards involved in the operation for their courage and job well done,” said the statement.

According to the statement, Mr Uzuegbu reiterated the commitment of the force to deal ruthlessly with “unrepentant criminals, especially those involved in violent crimes.”

It said the police commissioner urged residents of the state to remain security conscious and law-abiding and promptly report criminals and individuals found with bullet wounds to the nearest police station.

“Residents should call the Command’s emergency hotlines on 08032003702, 08075380883, 08086671202 or 08098880172, or send emails to,” it said.