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Indomie is a brand of instant noodles produced by the Indonesian company, Indofood. Indofood is the largest instant noodle producer in the world with 16 factories.

The name Indomie was derived from “indo” for “Indonesia” and “mie” which means “noodles”. The company produces over 28 billion packets of Indomie annually, and the brand exports its products to more than 90 countries around the world.

The product has been mainly produced in Indonesia since its introduction in 1972. It has also been produced in Nigeria since 1995 and ever since, it has been popular in the country and other African countries.

Indomie noodles come in a variety of brands and flavours. The brand is divided into five product categories: Indomie goreng (fried noodles served without soup), Indomie kuah (with soup), Kuliner Indonesia ((Indonesian cuisine ), Mi Keriting (premium curly noodles), and Hype Abis (unique spicy flavours). Many of the Indomie flavours were created by Nunuk Nuraini, an employee in the instant noodle division of Indofood.

In Nigeria, Indomie is available in Chicken, Onion Chicken, Chicken Pepper Soup, and Oriental Fried Noodles flavours. There is also Indomie Relish variant in Chicken Delight and Seafood Delight flavours.