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Entertainment of Tuesday, 24 October 2023


'Friend who used to mock me over my skit now works for me' – Mark Angel

Popular skit creator and video producer Mark Angel has described how obstacles and unfavorable remarks from friends almost caused him to give up comedy.

In a recent interview with Teju Babyface, Mark Angel talked about how, when he was a struggling skit creator, a friend who worked for Shell Nigeria made fun of him and asked whether he was doing the skits to support his family.

Mark Angel said he started doing skits in 2013 but came into the limelight in 2015. He added that he didn't make any money until the next year, though.

He said: “I started skit-making in 2013 but hit the spotlight in 2015. In 2015, people started to know about me. I think my breakthrough was in 2016. That was when I decided to do comedy full-time.

“I was doing photography and videography part-time before then. So, I just decided to let that go. It took three years before I blew up in the skit-making business. There were so many times when I was discouraged. But the vision and belief I had were stronger than the discouragement.

“At a point, I started doubting myself because of what people were telling me. I had a friend called Alloy who nearly discouraged me from this life of skit-making.

“One day, I was coming back home from the location with my laptop and camera, and Alloy, who was working with Shell Nigeria then stopped me to say, ‘Mark, you intend to provide for your family with skits? Really? This ‘foolishness’ is your plan to take care of your family? Just wandering and trekking aimlessly with the laptop? At least, pay for a ride on a commercial motorcycle!’

“As at that time, I was investing every money I was making into my craft. Because at that time, the only way you could get ahead was to pay bloggers. I even put one of the bloggers on monthly payment. I paid the blogger N30,000 every month to promote my skits.

“Alloy who was discouraging me back then, now works for my construction company. He works for me now. So every time, I teased him about how he was mocking me during my days as a struggling skit maker.”