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Business News of Wednesday, 29 March 2023


Unemployment more than quadruple since 2015 - Ngige

The Minister of Labour and Productivity, Dr. Chris Ngige has said unemployment has more than quadruple in Nigeria.

He blamed the development on the recessions that bedevilled the economy in 2015 and 2020 and stressed the need to stem the negative impacts on the economy and the active population.

Ngige, who took his turn in the ongoing Ministerial briefing at the State House, Abuja, yesterday, said: “The triple issues of unemployment, poverty and economic disempowerment, have remained a disturbing feature of the life. Unemployment rate in the country has more than quadrupled since the economy slipped into recession, first in 2015 and later in 2020.

“The unemployment rate in Nigeria rose to 9.9 per cent in 2015 as the administration came on board.

“In the context of ILO definition of unemployment, there is need to make concerted efforts towards stemming the negative impact of unemployment on the economy and the active population.

“It is in the light of the foregoing that the Federal Government recently inaugurated a Technical Working Group (TWG) on Youth Employment and Skills Development to handle the increasing youth unemployment and skills development in the country.”

On efforts to tackle unemployment and create jobs, Ngige said the incoming administration of All Progressives Congress (APC) should consider the blueprint on job creation office, under the Ministry of Labour and Employment.

He said the ministry had 125 Skills Development Centres in the six geo-political zones of the country, apart from the 19 Job Centres in Bauchi, Kaduna, Lagos, Abuja, Edo, and Enugu, among others where people receive training on bricklaying.

Ngige also disclosed that the ministry was collaborating with United States Labour Department to stop child labour, adding that “they make available $75 million to fight poverty in cocoa and mineral producing areas in Nigeria”.

He defended the Federal Government’s handling of labour disputes, saying “we are proactive. We have conciliated about 4,000 labour disputes. We get Trade Dispute Notice (TDN) and call them for meetings especially in oil and gas industry.

“Our state offices are doing conciliation on permanent basis”, he said.

Ngige also said the issue of pay rise for the Nigerian workers was being addressed.

He explained that the amount to be paid would be based on the availability of funds and the ability to pay.

On what palliative measures that would be made available if subsidy on petroleum products was removed, the minsiter said: “the new government would handle the challenge that will be there”.

Minister of State for Labour and Employment, Festus Keyamo said 760,000 persons benefited from the 774,000 special public works scheme.

He added that N400 million was refunded after the implementation of the programme.