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Crime & Punishment of Thursday, 8 August 2019


Two armed robbers to die by hanging in Ekiti -

An Ado-Ekiti High Court has sentenced two persons to death by hanging for robbery and illegal possession of firearms.

The condemned individuals: Adewa Sunday and Adedayo Amos, were said to have robbed one Mrs Abosede Oyeyemi Malomo at Ilogbo Ekiti in Ido/Osi Local Government area of the state on June 4, 2015 during a night robbery.

The offence, according to the charge sheet, was contrary to section 1(2) (a) of the robbery and firearm special provisions laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004.

They were said to have robbed the victim with guns, cutlasses and other dangerous weapons, thereby inflicting bodily injuries on her.

Delivering his judgement, the Chief Judge of Ekiti State, Justice Ayodeji Daramola, who handed down the harsh verdict, said: “I found the accused person guilty of armed robbery as laid down before me and they should face the supreme punishment for the offence.

“Therefore, the sentence of the court upon you is that you be hanged by the neck until you are dead.

“May the good Lord has mercy on your souls,” he ruled.

The hearing into the case began on March 27, 2017 as two count charges bordering on robbery and illegal possession of firearms were slammed on them.

During hearing, the prosecuting counsel, Barrister Gbemiga Adaramola from the Ministry of Justice, called two witnesses and also tendered a cut-to-size pistol, iPad and the victim’s statement on oath, as exhibits .

The lawyer to the defendants, Barrister Adeyinka Opaleke didn’t call any witness .

The victim was said to be reading at night when they broke into her apartment and robbed her at gunpoint.

During the operation, one of the convicts was said to have made a mistake of calling the actual name of his colleague, which served as a veritable lead for the police to carry out their investigations.