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General News of Wednesday, 16 August 2023


'Take our newly-elected President out of your dirty little Englander mouth' - Fani-Kayode warns UK MP

Former Minister of Aviation, Femi Fano-Kayode has issued a stern warning to George Galloway, a former Member of the UK Parliament to desist from making comments about President Bola Tinubu.

Recall that Galloway had said that he looked into the past of Tinubu who is also the Chairman of Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and was unaware that he was an alleged drug dealer in the United States.

He added that “the election that brought him to power is still being credibly contested as fraudulent”.

Fani-Kayode did not take kindly to his words as he took to his Twitter page to issue a statement warning the former UK MP to focus on his podcast and behave himself.

In his submission, FFK described George Galloway as a “sanctimonious, self-seeking, self-serving, self-righteous, self-obsessed and narcisstic white boy”.

According to the APC member, the stereotyping of our leaders as being fraudulent, corrupt, drug dealers and God knows what else coupled with the usual asinine and puerile misrepresentations would not be tolerated.

He further said that “If he is looking for fantastically corrupt, murderous, pernicious, deceitful, two-faced, criminally-insane, drug-dealing, callous, heartless, avaricious, bloodthirsty, bloodlusting, godless, psychotic, psychopathic, neo-colonial and hopelessly fraudulent leaders he should look within and to a series of Western Prime Ministers, Presidents and leaders like George W. Bush, Tony Blair, Barack Obama, David Cameron, Nicolas Sarkozy, Boris Johnson and so many others who collectively and over the last 25 years orchestrated, ignited, sponsored and led illegal wars and proxy wars in Middle Eastern, North African, Asian and East European countries and thereby slaughtered millions of innocent people, took away their dignity and self-respect, destroyed their lives, ruined their future, shattered their dreams, enslaved their civilian population, lumbered them with pliant and dullard puppet-leaders and pillaged, plundered and stole their national patrimony, mineral resources and treasure all on a false premise, a fraudulent pretext and a perfifdious, stinking lie.

FFK wrote;

“I had promised myself that I would not say a word at this time when people throw bricks at our President because we have already won the election and the battle is long over.

However here I will make an exception because I just can't bear it when these sanctimonious, self-seeking, self-serving, self-righteous, self-obsessed and narcisstic white boys start mouthing off about our country and our leaders.

And of course these are my words and thoughts and I speak only for myself.

Someone please tell this old fart called George not to bite off more than he can chew. I can bear such insults and words from a Nigerian without responding but not from a foreign leader.

The stereotyping of our leaders as being fraudulent, corrupt, drug dealers and God knows what else coupled with the usual asinine and puerile misrepresentations and stereotyping is not something that we will sit by silently and take from foreigners, particularly when they are from the West.

If he is looking for fantastically corrupt, murderous, pernicious, deceitful, two-faced, criminally-insane, drug-dealing, callous, heartless, avaricious, bloodthirsty, bloodlusting, godless, psychotic, psychopathic, neo-colonial and hopelessly fraudulent leaders he should look within and to a series of Western Prime Ministers, Presidents and leaders like George W. Bush, Tony Blair, Barack Obama, David Cameron, Nicolas Sarkozy, Boris Johnson and so many others who collectively and over the last 25 years orchestrated, ignited, sponsored and led illegal wars and proxy wars in Middle Eastern, North African, Asian and East European countries and thereby slaughtered millions of innocent people, took away their dignity and self-respect, destroyed their lives, ruined their future, shattered their dreams, enslaved their civilian population, lumbered them with pliant and dullard puppet-leaders and pillaged, plundered and stole their national patrimony, mineral resources and treasure all on a false premise, a fraudulent pretext and a perfifdious, stinking lie.

Georgy Porgy needs to be careful when he throws bricks our way: unlike others, we Nigerians tend to strike back and when we do we hardly miss our target.

Permit me to end this with some genuine and heartfelt unsolicited advice from someone who used to respect you and who has read and listened to virtually all you have said and all your contributions, both within and outside of Parliament, over the last 40 years: take our newly-elected President out of your dirty little Englander mouth or prepare for the mother of all wars and a great deal of turbulence in your murky, inglorious, meaningless and thoroughly uninspiring little life.

Stick to your podcasts and behave yourself."