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Crime & Punishment of Friday, 27 September 2019


My husband calls me barren – Woman tells court -

A 40-year-old businesswoman, Temidayo Amosa, has dragged her husband, Omotosho, before an Igando Customary Court, for allegedly calling her a barren woman.

Amosa told the court that she has been married to Omotosho,70, for nine years.

”In January 2017, my husband sent me a text, calling me barren. He ordered me to leave his house. He said he was no longer interested in me,” she alleged.

“I pleaded with him to divorce me so that I can move on with my life, because age is no longer on my side, but he refused,” she said.

Amosa prayed the court to dissolve the marriage.

Responding, Omotosho prayed the court to grant the petitioner’s prayer.

“I do not love her anymore, please grant her request. I have six children and some of my children are abroad. I don’t even need a child from her,” the respondent said.

After listening to both parties, President of the Court, Mr Adeniyi Koledoye, adjourned the case until Oct. 24 for judgment.