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General News of Monday, 2 October 2023


Mixed reactions as Umahi locks out works ministry’s latecomers

The recent protest at the Federal Ministry of Works by employees who came late to work has attracted widespread condemnations, Damilola Aina, writes

The protest at the headquarters of the Federal Ministry of Works in Abuja on Thursday by workers who failed to come to work early, has stirred up conversations on the need to reform Nigeria’s public service for greater efficiency.

Angry civil servants at the works ministry had staged a protest at their office to kick against the decision of the Minister of Works, Dave Umahi, to lockout workers who resumed late to work on Thursday.

But their actions drew public condemnations based on the fact that the workers did not show up to work at the stipulated resumption time.

Umahi, on the day of the incident, got to the ministry ahead of some directors and staff numbering over 300, and denied them access to their respective offices for over four hours after he arrived at the FMW around 9.30am.

But rather than apologise for coming late to work after they were granted access into the premises, the workers, comprising those from the housing and works ministries, refused to enter the ministry and resorted to an impromptu protest.

They barricaded the entrance of the works ministry, on the grounds that the minister did not give them prior warning before ordering the closure of the ministry’s gate against late comers.

Some of the civil servants, who were heard chanting “Umahi Must Go,” accused the minister of being insensitive to the hardship they face due to the removal of fuel subsidy.

The workers demanded an apology from the minister, as they argue that they reside on the outskirts of Abuja, such as Gwagwalada, Abaji, Kuje, Kwali and Kaduna road satellite towns, insisting there was no way they could get to the office early.

Although the minister apologised for locking them out, he raised concerns about the lazy attitude of the workers to their jobs, adding that workers at the works ministry were in the habit of resuming work around 1pm.

Umahi said he had witnessed the tardy attitude of workers since he assumed office and it was time to instil discipline in the public service.

He said, “I would come to work and see workers coming to work by 12 O’clock, by 1 O’clock. I have had to send some of them to the permanent secretary to talk to them.

“Just a week ago, I called all the directors and said to them, ‘without discipline, it is difficult.’ I come to work and ask for files, but some of the staff are not yet in the office to provide the files.

“By 3 O’clock I ask for files, some of the workers would have left. I cannot do without you, and you cannot do without me. Today I came to work by 9:30am, I had a number of files to transmit and not up to five per cent of the workers were in.”

Condemnations trail protest

Workers in Nigeria’s civil service often stage protests to drive home salient points over maltreatment, poor welfare, unpaid salaries or other packages.

But in this case, public commentators said Thursday’s protest by workers at the works ministry could be a yardstick for entertaining subsequent disregard to constituted authority and allow corruption and poor work ethics to flourish if not addressed.

They stated that the insensitive action against constituted authority could increase corruption within the civil service and hindrance to the performance of its functions to the nation.

They said the Head of Civil Service of the Federation, Folashade Yemi-Esan, must as a matter of urgency forestall a reoccurrence by establishing stiff punishments against such act, implement a wide range of reforms and re-position the service for better performance.

Commentators say it is now evident that Nigeria’s values have declined across board, as tardiness has become an acceptable practice in the public sector.

They say without discipline, societies cannot prosper, adding that there is a culture of lateness and entitlement that needs to be eradicated.

A video of the works minister apologising to the workers, which was posted on X (formerly Twitter), has amassed over 60,000 views and elicited diverse reactions.

A user of the app, Oluwabunmi@olu_bummi, said, “It’s so sad that the minister had to succumb, these people are extremely shameless.

“Why didn’t they use all this energy to work effectively? Is coming to work late a flex? If they are tired of working, they should resign and let those in need of a job come in.”

Adegoroye Adedeji, @RoyAdegoroye, wrote, “This is pure nonsense. I think Nigerians (civil servants) are the problem. He should beg or respect you for coming late to work. This is them telling this man he’s just a figurehead.”

Another X user, Inyangaeze @jeomaltd, said, “Civil servants in Nigeria are the worst set of workers in Nigeria. Most of them don’t even put in up to 20 hours a week. And their arrogance puts water in God’s eye. The minister should introduce digital clock cards.”

Another post by @yommy_dee411, stated, “Unbelievable! Mr President @officialABAT, we really must look into methods of recruitment into civil service. Nigeria deserves workers who’d take up and discharge their responsibilities without feeling entitled. There are too many jobless people who’d do better with orientation.”

Chris Benjamin, with the handle, @cheerfulbadman, wrote, “The workers’ leader made zero sense and this video may come back to haunt him personally in future. Umahi did well by being tactful; he’s already exposed them to Nigerians. It’s exactly how he’s been saying it; the bulk of the Nigeria civil service is useless.”

A Facebook user, Kay Dairo, said, “I demand an immediate review of human resources policy in the federal service. I insist that the HR policy of the Federal Government needs to be reviewed properly and implemented in-toto. A lot is wrong with the current system we are operating in Nigeria.”

Another user, Michael Ojumu, said, “I’ve never been this disappointed and embarrassed by this nation’s civil service thing, I’m seriously grieved and embittered by these shameful acts and their ridiculing the minister.”

Shettima Mustapha, on his part, declared, “In all these, I am extremely impressed by the measured and highly refined response of the minister.

“He has displayed the highest quality of leadership and I am very sure, with this kind of approach he will win over the hearts and minds of all staff and deliver his mandate. This is notwithstanding the rude response of the young man.”

CSOs kick

Reacting to the development, the Executive Director, Civil Society Legislative Advocacy Centre, Auwal Musa-Rafsanjani, bemoaned the poor work ethics in the country.

He said, “First and foremost, work ethics in Nigeria is very poor. Some workers do what they like and in many instances you see people want to get a government job because people do whatever they like, come to work and close whenever they like.

“That culture needs to be stopped. Therefore, it is not acceptable for public servants to do whatever they like. The protest was unnecessary. The door was opened eventually and they should have returned to their offices without any show-off.

“Honestly speaking, asking the minister to apologise is another act that should never have taken place. It is uncalled for. That ego was unnecessary. If they had arrived office at the right time, all of these issues wouldn’t have happened. They didn’t need to go that far. The works sector is very poor and there is no accountability.”

Also, a political analyst, Busari Dauda, said the incident depicted the level at which the civil service had degenerated, stressing that everyone involved in that protest should be punished to serve as deterrent to other workers.

He said, “What happened on Thursday clearly depicts the level at which we have degenerated as a nation. I don’t see why civil servants will dictate the time of resumption and closure from work. It is not just the Federal Ministry of Works, it cuts across every sphere of the federal workforce.

“Number one, you have a moral burden to resume at 8am, the gate was locked at 9:30am against you and the next thing is to protest. What kind of example are you showing. There are rules and regulations in the civil service and they all signed to resume work at 8am.

“I also wonder why the minister apologised to them. There was no reason for an apology because they acted against their contractual agreement with the government. The minister should have called their bluff and see what they would do.

“The Head of Service must also punish them, they all deserve to be punished. In fact, the Head of Service should not have waited for somebody to advice her before she punishes them. They deserve to be punished immediately.”

Dauda said these same set of people “will say the government is not doing anything, but now they are the ones flouting the rules and regulation governing their employment with the Federal Government. The only reason they should not be punished is if the Head of Service goes late to work too.”