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General News of Thursday, 7 March 2024


'Igbos who were slaughtered in the civil war are applauding Israel's genocide attack on Gaza' - FFK

Former Aviation Minister, Femi Fani-Kayode has lambasted Africans, particularly Igbos for publicly supporting and applauding Israel's genocide attack on Palestine.

In an epistle shared on his X page, on March 5, 2024, Fani-Kayode condemned their solidarity as he stated reasons and cited an example with the Nigerian civil war.

According to FFK, Israel sold arms to Nigeria during the fight with the Igbos.
He added that "the very same Igbo people who were slaughtered in their millions between 1967 and 1970 and who were subjected to the worst form of ethnic cleansing that Africa has ever seen are now openly applauding the State of Israel for committing genocide against the women and children of Gaza.

Expressing his disappointment, FFK wrote;

"During the course of the Nigerian civil war we starved to death 3 million Igbos in the space of three years including 1 million Igbo children.

This was not only a war crime but was also barbaric and unacceptable and on many occasions I have called for an apology to the Igbo people by Nigeria for this heinous act of barbarity and genocide.

It is an irony of fate that the overwhelming majority of the very same Igbo people who were slaughtered in their millions between 1967 and 1970 and who were subjected to the worst form of ethnic cleansing that Africa has ever seen are now openly applauding the State of Israel for committing genocide against the women and children of Gaza.

Worse still as a sign and symbol of solidarity with Israel and the atrocities they are committing in Gaza some of them erroneously call themselves the "Jews of Africa", some have adopted the Jewish faith whilst others call themselves "Zionists".

This is unacceptable and it is a classic case of the hunted becoming the hunter.

The Igbo are NOT Jews, they are NOT Zionists and they do not have ANY historical, racial or ethnic ties or connection with the Jewish state.

Anything outside of this is nothing but fallacy, fantasy, delusion, vanity, perfidy, ignorance, historical revisionism and self-serving clap trap.

It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury and signifying nothing.

Those that think otherwise fail to appreciate the fact that during the Nigerian civil war Israel sold arms to Nigeria, that not all Gazans are Muslims, that many Gazans are Christians, that Israel treats Africans and black people generally, including the Ethiopian Jews, with even more disdain and contempt than they do the Palestinians and Arabs and that the Jewish state not only despises Christians and treats them like outcasts and lepers but also mocks and laughs to scorn the ministry and calling of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and makes a practice of spitting on Christians and Churches.

If there were ever a case of misguided support for Israel it is coming from those Nigerians that call themselves Zionists and that believe that the Palestinian people deserve what they themselves suffered and were subjected to during our civil war.

May God open their eyes and guide them and may they join the rest of the world in condemning the Zionists of Israel and opposing the wickedness and evil that they are subjecting the innocent women and children of Gaza to.
