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Crime & Punishment of Saturday, 19 June 2021


Drama ensued as thugs invade Delta court, chase away judge and lawyers

A presiding judge and lawyers have been chased out of a court in Delta state.

The incident happened on Friday at the Delta State High Court 4 sitting in Warri, Delta State.

The presiding Judge, Hon. Justice V. O. Agboje, a renowned lawyer, Chief Efe. L. Akpofure, SAN, and others were chased away from the court.

The incident brought the court sitting into an abrupt end, DAILY POST reports.

The presiding Judge narrowly escaped being lynched by the thugs.

The Court is close to the Warri Area Command of the Nigeria Police Force and the “A” Division of the Police.

The thugs stormed the Courtroom during hearing of a suit brought by one Mr. Bernard Emiko, younger brother to the immediate past Olu of Warri Kingdom.

Emiko had approached the Court through his lawyer seeking the nullification of the selection of the Omoba (Prince Tsola Emiko) alleging that it did not follow due process.