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General News of Monday, 14 August 2023


Bazoum is healthy, he is with his phone and can make calls - Nigeria's intervention team reveals

The national chairman of Jamatul Izalatu Bida Waikamatu Sunnah, Sheik Bala Lau has revealed that the deposed President Mohamed Bazoum is "doing well and healthy" after he led some Islamic scholars to the West African state.

The cleric made this known in an interview with Arise Television's Morning Show on Monday, August 14.

Recall that Nigeria’s intervention team visited the leader of the Niger Junta, General Abdourahmane Tchiani to explore more ways to resolve the political impasse in the country.

When asked if they enquired about the general health and safety of President Bazoum, Sheik Bala said: "They said President Bazoum is doing well, sound and healthy. And there is a doctor that used to visit him he will even call us the doctor to ask him and we said no we are not in need of that."

"They said he has he (Bazoum) has access to his telephones and can call everyone that he needs and there is nothing that is preventing him from his chatting and also interacting with others and members of his family."

Meanwhile, the military regime said on Monday that it would bring deposed President Mohamed Bazoum to trial on charges of "high treason" and undermining state security.

In a televised announcement, junta spokesman Colonel Major Amadou Abdramane said the regime had "gathered the necessary evidence to prosecute before competent national and international authorities the ousted president and his local and foreign accomplices for high treason and for undermining the internal and external security of Niger."

Bazoum, the democratically elected president of the West African country, was deposed in the July 26 coup and has since been held in his presidential residence along with his son and wife.