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Crime & Punishment of Thursday, 13 August 2020


Armed robbers attack journalist in his home in Nasarawa

Nasarawa State correspondent of The Nation Newspaper, Mr Linus Oota, has survived an attack by suspected armed robbers who invaded his residence on Wednesday.

The resident of Ombi one Lafia, was attacked around 3am alongside other tenants in the compound, reports Punch.

Narrating his ordeal to Punch, Oota explained that, he suddenly heard heavy knocks on the door of his apartment by five armed men.

According to him, the men forced his door open, entered, and took away his three phones, laptop, money, shoes, and wristwatch among others.

He also stated that the robbers attacked four other tenants in the house.

Oota said he reported the incident to the police, adding that he was grateful to God for sparing his life.

Also attacked and dispossessed of his belongings was Mr Abubakar Mohammed of Liberty Television on Sunday about 8 pm around the Lavista Restaurant, Ombi one Lafia.

Items collected from him by the robbers were his mobile phone and the food he bought from the restaurant.

When contacted, the state Police Public Relations Officer, ASP Ramhan Nansel, said the command had yet to get details of the incidents.

He, however, reiterated the command’s commitment to investigating the matter and arrest the criminals.